samedi 11 mars 2017

Turbocad tip - Cases in Inspector Bar too Smalls

La version en Français est disponible à cette adresse

Cases in the Inspector bar are too small ? This tutorial will show you how to resize them with a comfortable size

First, the Inspector Bar is the one located at the bottom of the Turbocad's window. Often, by default the cases are too small and don't display all informations (cases titles and measures)

To resize the cases, point your cursor between two cases. Two arrows appear (left and right). Left clic, hold down and move left and right til you find the right size. 

That's it !

Another tip : To make space in the inspector bar, select any object on your drawing and right clic. Select Selector 2D Properties (or 3D Properties) and go to Inspector bar sub section and unchecked items you d'ont need to be displayed

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